We grow the next generation of tech entrepreneurs

The one-stop pre-accelerator that validates your startup to scale globally

Cluj Startups

A program where you will learn applicable tactics on how to build a startup from zero to scale in 3 months. 

You will have access to mentors, ready-made editable documents and procedures, excellent business know-how info, guidance, support, network, and investors.
Pre accelerator

Why Join?​

Validate your business and have paying customers in 3 months. Ideas are easy, developing a product that sells is hard.
We started this program with the desire to help you focus on validating and selling the product.
The program is built on a framework that will guide you through all the
steps you and your team need to take to develop your startup and sell it to your customers.
Connect with your mentor

1 hour per week every week for 3 months. 

You will be guided by one mentor and help you get results from a week to another. 

Because your mentor is not a superhero, you will take part in round-tables where you will meet other specialists that can help you along the way.


Networking and advising

Let’s transform your network in a powerful one. Through this program, you will meet corporate, investors, professionals with the scope of developing your startup to the next level.

Editable documents and ready-made systems

20% theory - 80% practice. That’s how we’ve built the program. You will learn by listening and applying. We want to put you in an entrepreneurial environment to have immediate results with your startup by using ready-made editable documents and systems. 

We apply the same percentage of 20% theory - 80% practice. During these workshops, you will learn and then use. 


Do you want traction? First, you need to validate what you are developing. That’s why we will focus our attention more on validation sales and marketing than coding or building the platform.

We apply the same percentage of 20% theory - 80% practice. During these workshops, you will learn and then use.


Even if you are still a student or finished your studies, you should never stop learning because the world will never stop evolving. We’ve developed a database with educational resources(articles, videos, podcasts) from which you can inspire from which covers every stage of a startup.


A great pitch without an average product will bring you average results. A great pitch with a great product will bring you immeasurable results. 


Startups need access to both pre-seed funding and mentoring, while potential investors ask: “are there any startups worth investing my time and money?” so this where Transylvania Angel Network (T.A.N.) comes in place and many other angel networks and funds in our network

After program support

During the last years, we’ve built a network with startup founders that we support along the way. So you will have access to our program called Startup House, where you will stay in touch with other startup founders, ask questions and stay updated with the latest opportunities from the startup scene.

What to expect


We are all here to reach our potential. Even if we are talking about improving our personal skills or developing our businesses, we want to see that every participant is involved and does what it says. ​


One of the essential pieces of this puzzle will be the networking side of it.​


Clear, transparent, and supportive communication among all participants.​

Adapted approach​

Ready-made tools, editable documents, and educational materials to develop your startup fast​


It’s OK to make mistakes. We appreciate that you are trying. Just keep going.​


We will help you maintain the focus of your business.​


It’s always useful to have someone who is there for you, help you avoid mistakes, and guide you through the startup experience. Many thanks to our mentors for joining us.
Bogdan Oros
Bogdan Oros Director of Operations adbutler.com
Lorand R. Minyo
Lorand R. Minyo Marketing and Product Executive Square Ventures
Smaranda Ignat
Smaranda Ignat Co-founter PropTech Romania
Cristian Ignat
Cristian Ignat Founder & CEO @Aggranda, Founder @Canopy

Our Partners

We are glad to be supported through promoting the event, offering feedback, access to advisors and mentors, and many more. These are the organizations and communities that helped us. Thank you!

Our Sponsors

This program is meant to help students have access to education. We thank our sponsors for providing the resources that allow us to deliver it.

Join the Cluj Startups Pre-accelerator as a startup founder or a mentor. Drop us an email.